March 20, 2007
Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse
Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA


1.0    CALL TO ORDER    6:00 PM                                              


President Jack Rugar                            Present
Vice-President Betty Lauritsen              Present
Treasurer Rodger Axt                           Present
Secretary Stephanie Lee                       Present
At-large Director Glen Grossman          Present

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers          Present    

Members present:  Lynn Bomberger, Wolfgang Haas, Marce Grossman, Ken Morley and Candy Pollock.


        Consultation with engineer regarding floor damage in Grossman’s and Lauritsen’s units – President Rugar said he has not heard further from the engineer.

        Email from Jesalee LaPatra (Unit #17) – An email from LaPatra was read.  It 1) expressed concern that the tenants in Unit #14 were smokers who might have contributed to the cigarette butts that were found on the property, 2) suggested that (if not already done) the Glen Gazette be distributed to all renters and 3) expressed concern about unsupervised children using the street as a playground.  Upon discussion it was decided that 1) we can’t accuse smokers of causing a problem unless we see them in the act, 2) the Gazette is distributed to all units and if the owner has an off-site mailing address, an additional copy is sent there, and 3) it was recommended that the next issue of the Gazette include “Safety” section that includes an article recommending that children be supervised when playing in the street.  Pollock suggested the article be geared to cautioning residents and their guests to drive with care and within the 15 MPH speed limit since there are not only children at play, but also senior citizens walking the complex who might not be readily seen and who might not easily hear oncoming traffic.  Discussion geared toward the tenants in Unit #14’s guests and noise level.  Lee offered to talk with the tenants in Unit #14 to remind them that because we live in such a close community, residents are expected to be considerate of their neighbors.  Grossman will write a letter (to be reviewed by the Board) to the owner of Unit 14 requesting he ask them to be more considerate of the HOA Rules & Regulations and of their neighbors.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Motion by Glen Grossman, seconded by Rodger Axt to accept minutes from 02/20/07 Board Meeting. Motion carried.



        Treasurer Axt reported he contacted Wells Fargo Bank to further explore the Wells Fargo Investment account.  There had been an email motion that was passed authorizing the treasurer to place funds in this account: Motion by Stephanie Lee, seconded by Jack Rugar that effective immediately we move our accounts to Wells Fargo Bank and that they manage the funds so that no one financial institution holds more than $100,000. Motion carried.  Treasurer Axt was authorized to cash out the $10,368.10 CD at Monterey County Bank that expired 3/15/07 and place those funds in a new Wells Fargo Investment account.

        There was no review of the financial statements provided by MCC via mail to the board members.


        Lauritsen reported that there is no current movement, but that the tenants in Unit #25 will be moving out by the end of the month.  Pollock noted that Unit #74 is going on the market.

        President Rugar noted a discrepancy in wording in some versions of the Rules & Regulations.  Further, he noted the only “official” copy he has is from 2004, signed by Glen Grossman.  Since the copy of the Rules and Regulations that is being given to new owners and tenants comes off the website, he requested that Director Grossman insure that copy is the 2004 version.  At this point, Lee requested that any recommended revisions to our governing documents be evident to insure they can easily be seen.

5.03          WEBSITE REPORT: 

     Director Grossman reported Chuck Adams gave him photos, but he is having difficulty scanning them.  If he can, he will include them.

     Pollock pointed out the vendor listed as “Cruz Fabian” should be “Fabian Cruz.”

5.04          GARDENING REPORT

        Chair Pollock reported that she and Pat Bradley have given the gardeners a two-page list of tasks.

        Drainage pipes by free-standing garages have been buried. 

        They put a fake rock over the valve by Unit #65 and will be ordering a taller one for valve by Wolfgang Haas’ unit.

        Chair Pollock has done research on purchasing a bench, as previously authorized.  It looks like they will be purchasing the solid iron one from OSH (approximately $160).

        They are still working on replacing the rotting wood planter boxes in various areas, probably using concrete.

        Pollock reported on a request from Unit #82 who would like to replace their fence in the back of their unit, but there is a tree stump in the way.  Since it was beyond the scope of the gardening committee, it will be reviewed by President Rugar (with either Rodger Axt and/or Ken Morley).

        Director Grossman noted that we have the Certificate of Insurance for the gardeners Workers’ Comp policy that expires April 2007, but the Certificate of Insurance that MCC provided for their liability was for another complex.  Chaffers will research and insure that the appropriate Certificate is sent to Grossman.


        President Rugar reported again that the valve at the end of the lake was replaced  at a cost of approximately $3000 by Granite Construction.  It was paid from the Reserve Account since it is something that has an expected long life.  Axt has painted the valve green.

        Axt reported the trees are being well maintained and referred to an article in the recent ECHO magazine that recommends this be done.


5.06          LAKE REPORT

        Lake Committee Chair Lauritsen made a complete report on recent lake repairs done to date at the cost of $5,663.14:

1)      Removal of the dam: After the water was lowered, suspicions were confirmed that the temporary dam was not keeping silt from migrating into the main part of the lake as it was designed to do.

2)      Removal of silt and debris: The workers removed at least 18 inches of silt, soil from erosion, pine needles and debris from around the lake.

3)      Rocks added to the waterfall area: The banks on each side of the waterfall had eroded over the years so workers built-up both sides and reinforced them with decorative rocks for stability.

4)      Creation of a trail and work areas: Using material taken from the lake bottom and dam, the workers built a trail leading from between homes 94 and 96 down to the lake to allow access to the shallow end of the lake and a place to set a wheel barrel for silt removal. They used broken concrete and rocks as reinforcement under the terraced trail as the hillside is very steep. In addition, they used lake and dam material to create landings on both sides of the shallow end. In the future when silt needs to be removed there will be adequate access and space for wheel barrels and workers.

5)      Removal of invasive bulrush (large lake plants) & grasses: The bulrush that grew behind homes 14 and 16 was spreading by underground rhizomes, so it was removed.

6)      Replacement of one fountain head: The spraying fountain head was replaced with a foaming frothing head similar to the two others, bringing it back to the original style.

        Bomberger requested permission to add plants to the lake hillsides and edges to help stabilize and beautify them.  Motion by Betty Lauritsen, seconded by Glen Grossman, that a maximum of $300 be allocated for plants and labor to improve the lake hillsides and edges with the understanding that she will coordinate this activity with the Gardening Committee and that no planting will be done behind Unit #38.  Motion carried.

        Lauritsen thanked the committee for their efforts while she was recuperating from surgery.


5.07          WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – President Rugar mentioned the “local” ducks have been going up the banks of the lake, causing that portion of the bank to be bare of vegetation.  He thinks they are going up the banks because they are being fed and he reminded members that there is a City of Pacific Grove ordinance that says it isn’t lawful to feed the wildlife.   It was recommend there be an article in the Glen Gazette reminding residents not to feed the wildlife.

5.08          ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT:  Chair Ken Morley reported that Unit #92 has made two requests: for a hose caddy on the cement wall adjacent to her neighbor’s unit; and to install a water softener.  Both have been approved, subject to approval by her neighbor.


5.09          NEWSLETTER ITEMS: The following were recommended as potential articles for the next newsletter:

        A “Safety” section that includes an article recommending that children be supervised when playing in the street, gearing it to cautioning residents and their guests to drive with care and within the 15 MPH speed limit since there are not only children at play, but also senior citizens walking the complex who might not be readily seen and who might not easily hear oncoming traffic.

        A reminder to residents not to feed the wildlife. 

5.10          RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT:  President Rugar reported two letters regarding parking were sent to owners of Unit #14 and Unit #25 and their tenants. 


6.01          2852 Forest Hills Blvd. – Director Axt reported the tenants at this property have broken their lease and have moved out.  They reported the owner will be returning at the end of March.  Axt and Chaffers will wait until her return to send the letter that they are composing to Ms. Pham notifying her that if she doesn’t pay us for repair to the fence we will be taking her to small claims court.

6.02          Landscape Irrigation Consultation – President Rugar met with the foreman from Craven Landscaping.  They will be replacing/installing sprinkler heads along the non-grassed street areas before the next board meeting.

7.0        NEW BUSINESS:

7.01          ECHO Seminar 2/24/07:  Director Grossman, who attended, reported on the seminar.  There was no outstanding thing on which to report, but he did say that the ECHO website has improved and is populated with more useful information.  He also reminded the board that the next seminar is June 2 and suggested that non-board members be invited to attend.

7.02          Amendments to Rules & Regulations:  Motion made by Glen Grossman that the City of Pacific Grove Ordinance #10.04.020 (no dog leash shall exceed six feet in length) be adopted.  There was no second to this motion. 

7.03          Gutter Inspections:  Motion made by Glen Grossman that the gutters be inspected monthly from October through April.  There was no second to this motion.  Axt reported that they are researching people to clean gutters more regularly.  So far bids have been too expensive.  Morley suggested that the gutters on Unit #88 need to be checked and repaired, if needed.

7.04          Reserve Study:  President Rugar reminded the Board that a complete study is only required every three years, but an update is required annually to bring numbers current.  Grossman recommended we ask our accountants to provide us with an electronic version of those numbers.  Rugar will provide Jim Calandra with a printed version and request a quote for doing the work.

7.05          Board Meeting Scheduling and Frequency:  President Rugar reminded the Board that the CC&Rs require them to meet “not less than four times per year.”  Motion made by Stephanie Lee, seconded by Rodger Axt, that the Board of the Glen of PG HOA meet every other month, rather than monthly.  Motion carried with Grossman voting “no.”

8.0        CORRESPONDENCE – None.

9.0        FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT – 05/15/07 at 6:00 p.m. at the Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse, Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Stephanie Lee, Secretary