February 20, 2007
Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse
Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA


1.0    CALL TO ORDER    6:00 PM                                              


President Jack Rugar                            Present
Vice-President Betty Lauritsen              Absent
Treasurer Rodger Axt                           Present
Secretary Stephanie Lee                       Present
At-large Director Glen Grossman          Present

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers          Present    

Members present:  Lynn Bomberger, Wolfgang Haas, Marce Grossman, Faye Morley, Ken Morley and Candy Pollock.


        Crack in the cement of the porch of Unit #44 – Director Grossman reported the crack in the cement of the porch of Unit #44 has grown.  President Rugar will have someone look at it to see what might be done to repair it.

        Gutter repair on Unit #42 – Director Grossman reported the gutter to the left of his front door appears to be pulling away, and Marce Grossman reported the downspout doesn’t seem to be properly installed.  She said she has cleaned their gutters every year in spite of the maintenance The Glen provides, and recommended they be cleaned more regularly.  Axt and Rugar said cleaning the gutters throughout the complex is done on a regular basis and has already been done a couple of times since the beginning of the season.  Lee expressed concern with the danger of Marce climbing on a ladder and suggested that we need to find out why this particular unit seems to be having more problems than others.  She inquired whether or not the trees surrounding their unit might need further trimming.  Rugar will contact Sun Rain to look at their gutters to explore the possibility that they might need larger gutters, that the gutter and their downspout might not be installed properly and see what repairs are needed.  Axt will have Robert’s Tree Service look at the trees to see if they can be trimmed back further and still look good.

        Consultation with engineer regarding floor damage in Grossman’s and Lauritsen’s units – President Rugar said he has not heard further from the engineer.

        Tree trimming – Treasurer Axt reported he’d received requests from Adams and Kiley to trim trees surrounding their unit.  President Rugar asked Axt to have them looked at when the service comes next to see what needs to be done.  If work is needed, it should be added to the schedule.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Motion by Glen Grossman, seconded by Jack Rugar to accept minutes from 01/17/07 Board Meeting. Motion carried.



        Treasurer Axt reported he continues to explore institutions that might be used so that we maintain only $100,000 in any one institution.  He will contact the Bank of America, Rugar will contact Wells Fargo Bank, Grossman will contact Charles Schwab and Chaffers will contact CoAmerica Bank.  All will report back at the next meeting.

        Chaffers reported they have been over-funding the Reserve Account by $2110.84/month. In the future he will transfer only $8470.83/month since the Reserve Account has been fully funded.

        There was no review of the financial statements provided by MCC.

5.02          NEW RESIDENT INFORMATION REPORT – Bomberger reported that the tenants in Unit #63 had moved out.

5.03          WEBSITE REPORT:  Director Grossman reported that updated Architectural Control Committee forms have been added.  Ken Morley requested these be moved up on the web page so they can be seen more easily.

5.04          GARDENING REPORT

        Chair Pollock reported that she and Pat Bradley had done a walk-around to find out what work needs to be done.

        Unless the residents are willing to maintain flowering plants, if replacement plants are necessary in the walkways in front of the 2-story units, they will be planting ferns. 

        They will be putting fake rocks over valves in two areas.

        Rugar gave Chaffers the Certificate of Insurance for the gardeners Workers’ Comp policy.


        President Rugar reported that most of the maintenance revolved around the work done on the lake.

        The valve at the end of the lake was replaced and a check for $3000 to Granite Construction. 

        Axt reported the valve is already rusting. He volunteered to paint it green.


5.06          LAKE REPORT

        In Lake Committee Chair Lauritsen’s absence a report was deferred.

        Lee thanked the entire committee for their recent efforts.

        Ken Morley reported he had photos which he will give Grossman to post on the website.


5.07          WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – Pollock mentioned there are two areas that have gophers.  Bomberger will try to get traps for them.

5.08          ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT:  Chair Ken Morley reported

        Forms were received from Unit #74.  That project is complete.

        Unit #92’s request to replace windows with double-paned ones has been approved.

        Unit #72 has obtained forms and will be requesting to replace windows with double-paned ones.

5.09          NEWSLETTER ITEMS:  Grossman reported the newsletter has gone to MCC for distribution.

5.10          RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT:  President Rugar reported the issue with Unit #14’s car being parked improperly seems to be resolved. 


6.01          2852 Forest Hills Blvd. – Director Axt reported he had spoken with the tenants at this property.  They have an Irvine mailing address for the owner, but believe she is living out of state.  Axt and Chaffers will compose a letter Ms. Pham notifying her that if she doesn’t pay us for repair to the fence we will be taking her to small claims court.  The letter will be sent from MCC with a copy to the board.

6.02          Landscape Irrigation Consultation

        President Rugar got a quote from Craven Landscaping for replacing/installing sprinkler heads of $40/head.  Motion by Jack Rugar, seconded by Axt, that we schedule Craven Landscaping to replace sprinkler heads for two to three days work at a cost of $40 per sprinkler head. Motion carried.

        Rugar got a quote from Craven to repair the concrete area by the pump house.  It was too expensive so alternatives are being pursued.

6.03          Seal Coat on Glen Lake Drive – President Rugar reported work will be scheduled in the spring and asked that this item be deferred until April.

6.04          Benches – Pollock reported the Gardening Committee had spoken with the person who had made the original request to ascertain their need.  No member of the committee was at the last meeting or they would have spoken then to influence the decisions made.  They recommended a bench (that wasn’t white) be placed in the area between the garages for Units #44 and 48.  Motion made by Stephanie Lee and seconded by Rodger Axt that the motion taken at the 1/17/07 meeting to purchase four benches be rescinded.  Motion carried.  Motion made by Rodger Axt and seconded by Stephanie Lee that Candy Pollock be authorized to purchase one bench in a dark color that is in keeping with the style of the complex.  Motion carried.  Axt recommended the bench not be wood because it would require too much maintenance.

7.0        NEW BUSINESS:

7.01          Amendments to Elections Rules:  Motion made by Glen Grossman and seconded by Stephanie Lee that Paragraph 6 of the Election Rules be amended to add the sentence, “No election shall be conducted if the number of candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies on the board,” to the end of that paragraph.  Motion carried.

7.02          ECHO Seminar 2/24/07:  Motion made by Jack Rugar and seconded by Stephanie Lee that payment for attendance for one person be approved.  Motion carried.  Director Grossman will attend.

7.03          Amendments to Rules & Regulations:  Motion made by Glen Grossman that the City of Pacific Grove Ordinance #10.04.020 (no dog leash shall exceed six feet in length) be adopted.  There was no second to this motion.  After discussion Grossman was asked to ascertain if the HOA is bound by the ordinance.  It was further recommended that a bold statement be made in the next issue of the newsletter.

7.04          Gutter Inspections:  Motion made by Glen Grossman that the gutters be inspected monthly from October through April.  There was no second to this motion.  After discussion Grossman revised his motion.  Motion made by Glen Grossman to have Sun Rain check the gutters throughout the complex.  Motion carried.  Rugar suggested that the gutters be thoroughly checked when either rain or high winds are forecasted.  He will try to get Sun Rain out 02/21/07.

7.05          Use of Tennis Courts by Non-Residents:  Rugar read a request he received from a Glen Heights resident to use the tennis courts.  After discussion it was determined the liability would be too great to allow someone who wasn’t a member of our HOA to use our courts unless they were playing with a resident who is bound by and accepts the rules of the court.  Rugar and Lee will draft a response, and Grossman will review it before it is sent.

8.0        CORRESPONDENCE – See above.

9.0        FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT – 03/20/07 at 6:00 p.m. at the Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse, Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, 


Stephanie Lee, Secretary