January 17, 2007
Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse
Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA

1.0    CALL TO ORDER    6:17 PM                                              


President Jack Rugar                            Present
Vice-President Betty Lauritsen              Present
Treasurer Glen Grossman                     Present
Secretary Stephanie Lee                       Present
At-large Director Rodger Axt               Present

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers          Present    

Members present:  Lynn Bomberger, Wolfgang Haas, Marce Grossman, Faye Morley, and Ken Morley.


–        Lee reported a plant outside her front door has been frostbitten.  Rugar responded the Gardening Committee is aware that there was frost damage throughout the complex.  The gardeners will be repairing or replacing plants as necessary.

–        Betty Lauritsen asked what the status of the request that she and Glen Grossman made regarding the lifting hardwood floors in their living rooms.  Grossman has the name of a firm and will be contacting them for consultation.

–        Lynn Bomberger reported on her bench research and presented photos of potential benches (prices between $69 and $159).  They are available at OSH.  Motion by Grossman, seconded by Lauritsen, to purchase up to four of the 48” white powder coated benches that cost $139.  Motion carried with Rugar’s negative vote. Bomberger will work with the Gardening Committee to determine how many are needed and where they should be placed.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Motion by Betty Lauritsen, seconded by Jack Rugar, to accept minutes from 12/19/06 Board Meeting. Motion carried.



–        At Treasurer Grossman’s request Joseph Chaffers reviewed the balance sheet.

–        Treasurer Grossman reported the Santa Clara Valley National Bank $76,127.61 CD matured today. He suggested that he contact the bank and request the funds be rolled into the reserve account there.  Rugar suggested he confirm that is possible.  Grossman will research and advise alternative CD vehicles for those funds.

–        President Rugar requested that MCC provide a description in the check register so that there will be no question what the expense was for.

5.02          NEW RESIDENT INFORMATION REPORT – V-P Lauritsen reported new residents will be moving into #14, Chuck and Wendy Forbes and their family.  They are two-year renters.

5.03          WEBSITE REPORT

–        Director Grossman reported that he uploaded photos from the 2002 July 4th picnic.

–        Director Grossman will email the board with a link to the web page that will contain board-only information.

5.04          GARDENING REPORT

–        In Chair Pollock’s absence, President Rugar reported that the gardeners continue to look at frost damage.

–        Trees in back of #10 have been removed.  Director Axt reported the tree man will be here this weekend to review what work needs to be done.


–        President Rugar reported that bees were a problem by the mail box kiosk near #80. On the recommendation from exterminators, the blooms near that site were removed to discourage the bees.

–        He followed up on the reported abandoned vehicle, but the officer was out.

–        He received a letter from PG&E regarding the claim filed as a result of the power surge that damaged the gate.  He anticipates receiving a check for $739 shortly.

–        Reimbursement was received for the expense incurred in repairing the irrigation line by #3. 


5.06          LAKE REPORT

–        Lake Committee Chair Lauritsen reported that President Rugar and Director Axt will begin to lower the lake water level so that the work to remove the dam can begin on Wednesday.  At that same time Bomberger will assess the needs to repair the fountain and Kasner will come to remove the reeds.

–        Director Axt will provide a vest to Bomberger so that she appears more official when inspecting the lake (so residents don’t think she is just peering in their windows).


5.07          WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – No report.

5.08          ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT – No report.

5.09          NEWSLETTER ITEMS

–        Congratulations were given to Director Grossman for his first issue.

5.10          RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT:  President Rugar reported that residents from Glen Heights have been using the tennis courts and have been asked not to.  Grossman was asked to include an article about this in the next newsletter and it was recommended that the president of Glen Heights be made aware. 


6.01          Annual Audit – The board appointed the attendees to the Audit Committee (Lynn Bomberger, Wolfgang Haas, Marce Grossman, Faye Morley, and Ken Morley) and then adjourned to Executive Session to reviewed bids from vendors.  When they returned, they recommended that services of the office of James Calandra, CPA will be engaged.  Motion by Stephanie Lee, seconded by Glen Grossman, to accept the proposal from the office of James Calandra, CPA, for a full audit.  Motion carried.

6.02          2852 Forest Hills Blvd. – Director Axt contacted the owner and noted that if repair to our fence isn’t done soon we will take the matter to Small Claims Court.  He will try to make contact again this weekend.  It was noted that the repair will need to be done on her side of the fence which may present a problem.

6.03          Landscape Irrigation Consultation – President Rugar met with a Craven Landscaping representative last week and will be receiving their recommendations to improve the irrigation.  Rugar recommends the work be done in stages to the non-grassy areas.

6.04          Utilities/Water – President Rugar reported he spoke with a Cal Am representative who told him the only way Cal Am will work on connections between the meters and the street would be if all water service lines were replaced with copper (at an estimated cost of $100,000-150,000).  He got the names of contractors who will do water line repair work if it is needed..  This list will be put on the web page that only the board accesses.

6.05          Seal Coat on Glen Lake Drive – President Rugar reported work will be scheduled in the spring.

7.0        NEW BUSINESS:

7.01          Selection of Officers

–        Motion made by Glen Grossman and seconded by Jack Rugar that Betty Lauritsen be selected as Vice President. Motion carried.

–        Motion made by Stephanie Lee and seconded by Rodger Axt that Jack Rugar be selected as President. Motion carried.

–        Motion made by Glen Grossman and seconded by Jack Rugar that Stephanie Lee be selected as Secretary. Motion carried.

–        Motion made by Jack Rugar and seconded by Glen Grossman that Rodger Axt be selected as Treasure. Motion carried.

–        Glen Grossman will serve as Director-at-Large.

7.02          Amendments to Rules & Regulations: Deferred

7.03          Amendments to Elections Rules:  Director Grossman proposed we adopt a rule that if the number of candidates equals the number of open positions, the elections will be dispensed with.  All agreed. He will submit a motion at the next meeting.

8.0        CORRESPONDENCE – None.

9.0        FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT – 02/20/07 at 6:00 p.m. at the Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse, Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Stephanie Lee, Secretary