November 21, 2006
Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse
Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA


1.0    CALL TO ORDER    6:00 PM                                              


President Jack Rugar                            Present
Vice-President Betty Lauritsen              Present
Treasurer Glen Grossman                     Present
Secretary Stephanie Lee                       Present
At-large Director Candy Pollock           Present

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers          Present    

Members present:  Rodger Axt, Lynn Bomberger, Portia Cornell/Blas Valley, Wolfgang Haas, Marce Grossman, Ken Morley and Connie Shelstad.


        Rodger Axt distributed a letter outlining a flooding problem resulting from rain run-off from the hillside behind his unit and requesting HOA put three rows of “hold-a-hill blocks at the base of the hill to stop the mud and channel the water away from the patio” as soon as possible, at an approximate expense of $800.  Wolfgang Haas supported his request.  Motion by Glen Grossman, seconded by Betty Lauritsen to spend up to $1000 to remedy the hillside slippage and flooding problems behind Units 9, 11 and 13.  Motion carried.

        Betty Lauritsen and Glen Grossman reported their units have lifting hardwood floors in their living rooms.  They suggested we contact an engineering firm to review and recommend remedies.  Lee will research potential firms.

        Lynn Bomberger reported on a request that a bench be installed near the mailboxes across from Unit 50.  It was further suggested that we might want to place them by every mailbox.  Bomberger volunteered to research the cost and availability of benches that look similar to the ones we already have.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Motion by Glen Grossman, seconded by Jack Rugar  to accept minutes from 10/17/06 Board Meeting. Motion carried.



        At Treasurer Grossman’s request Joseph Chaffers reviewed the balance sheet.  He requested that Grossman provide him with updated information about banks, interest rates and funds in each reserve account.  President Rugar reminded Grossman that he needs to review alternative accounts for the funds currently in the San Jose National Bank reserve account. 

        Rugar suggested that the Wells Fargo CD be rolled over for another nine months at the current or better rate.

5.02          NEW RESIDENT INFORMATION REPORT – V-P Lauritsen reported no new residents.

5.03          WEBSITE REPORT – Director Grossman reported that he uploaded photos dating back to 1983 and the 2005-06 check register.  Ken Morley volunteered to work with him on page formatting.

5.04          GARDENING REPORT

-         Director Pollock reported that our gardener, Susan, has returned on a part-time basis, but Jose continues to fill in for her when she isn’t available.

-         She reported they have placed fake rocks in front of a couple of back-flow preventers to hide them and is investigating how to hide others.

-         She commended the work the tree service is doing.

-         Pollock also reported she will continue to work with Rodger Axt on the best way to replace rotting wooden planters.


        President Rugar reported that street lights have been repaired.

        He further reported roof shingles that appeared to have blown away have been replaced on Unit 104.

        He reported that the exit gate sustained $600 damage when the community experienced a PG&E power surge.  He is filing a claim with PG&E and will advise the board of the outcome.

        The termite report on Unit 110 revealed that about $1000 in repairs are needed.  He will contact the exterminators to see if attached units need to be inspected before mitigating the damage.  If so, tenting might be explored instead of alternative methods.  He will coordinate the repair work with the installation of the French door.


5.06          LAKE REPORT

        Lake Committee Chair Lauritsen reported that the committee has spent $157.74 on native plants.  The gardeners have planted them in several locations around the lake in an effort to insure they will be able to grow there.  Bomberger asked for a budget to support the purchase of additional plants.  It was decided that the funds for this project will be taken from the landscape budget.  She will work with the gardeners to purchase $200 worth of plants this month and to discover what portion of their budget can be dedicated toward this effort.

        Lauritsen reported the dam removal will cost $1200-1500.  To do it, the lake will be lowered two feet.  At the same time, the fountain connections will be examined, as well as the depth of the reeds.


5.07          WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – President Rugar reported there had been one raccoon.  The traps have been removed at this time, but will be returned.


        Ken Morley reported that Unit 90 has requested and the committee approved replacement of their garage door that was damaged in the PG&E power surge.  Work will be done shortly after Thanksgiving.  In the meantime, the owner needs to park outside his unit since the door will not open.

        Morley has spoken with Unit 74 to let them know they need to make a request to the Architectural Control Committee to repair their patio.

5.09          NEWSLETTER ITEMS – Director Pollock requested articles.

5.10          RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT:  President Rugar reviewed the letter that was sent as requested to Connie Shelstad regarding the number of dogs permitted.  Shelstad signed the agreement included in the letter and sent a thank you note for the Board’s understanding.


6.01          2852 Forest Hills Blvd. – Though it appears that they haven’t been there, Axt will continue to try to contact the owner.  It was noted the retaining wall has been finished.

6.02          Landscape Irrigation Consultation – Director Pollock said she didn’t understand the subject enough to continue research.  President Rugar asked her to set up meetings for him with potential consultants.

6.03          Annual Audit – The board reviewed bids from two new vendors in executive session.

6.04          Utilities/Water – President Rugar reported he is still working with the fire department to set a schedule for flow checks.  He doesn’t know at this time if it can be done this winter.  Whenever it is done, the fire hydrants will be scheduled to be painted.

6.05          Seal Coat on Glen Lake Drive – After much discussion it was decided not to wait until the spring to do this work.  Motion by Jack Rugar, seconded by Lauritsen that work be completed December 7-8.  Motion passed, with a dissenting vote from Director Grossman.  Notification will be sent to residents as soon as possible, based on information from Granite Construction.

6.06          Gate Sign Regarding Limit on Length of Vehicles Entering the Glen – President Rugar thanked Axt again for getting the sign made.

6.07          Elections – Morley reported 37 ballots received to date.


7.01          Neighborhood Watch – Lauritsen reported the Citizens Academy had contacted her to find out if we had interest in participating in Neighborhood Watch.  It was determined that participation might help cement relationships with our police department so that we might have more cooperation when it is needed.  Grossman volunteered to help her with it.  She will act as Block Captain.  A general information meeting will be scheduled and further information passed onto Association members.

8.0  CORRESPONDENCE – See 5.10 above.

9.0  FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT – 12/19/06 at 6:00 p.m. at the Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse, Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA.  Ballots will be counted and presented to the Board.  Note, there will not be a quorum at this meeting, but since no action is required, the meeting will be held as scheduled.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 7:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Lee, Secretary