October 17, 2006
Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse
Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA

1.0    CALL TO ORDER    6:00 PM                                              


President Jack Rugar                            Present
Vice-President Betty Lauritsen              Present
Treasurer Glen Grossman                     Present
Secretary Stephanie Lee                       Present
At-large Director Candy Pollock           Present

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers          Present    

Members present:  Rodger Axt, Wolfgang Haas, Greta Harpham, Marce Humphrey, Faye Morley, Ken Morley and Lynn Bomberger.

3.0      AGENDA REVIEW / RESIDENT REQUESTS – Greta Harpham discussed maintenance of the tree outside her unit.  She requested the Gardening Committee talk with the gardeners about removing leaves that accumulate by the gutter.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Motion by Glen Grossman, seconded by Betty Lauritsen to accept minutes from 09/19/06 Board Meeting. Motion carried.



–        Joseph Chaffers reviewed the financial statement.  President Rugar requested that MCC send the Board only the current month’s General Ledger.  Treasurer Grossman requested that he continue to receive year-to-date General Ledger. President Rugar requested that the treasurer review alternative accounts for the $123,148.13 currently in the San Jose National Bank reserve account (and only earning .50%).  The $75,639.66 six-month CD in San Jose National Bank (earning 5.0%) is due to expire 10/19/06 and will roll over if no other action is taken.  Director Lee asked Chaffers to contact the owner with current late charges in the hopes those charges might be paid and brought up-to-date, or written off.

–        Secretary Lee was asked to draft a letter so that MCC can send out the Assessment Foreclosure policy.

5.02          NEW RESIDENT INFORMATION REPORT – V-P Lauritsen reported no new residents.

5.03          WEBSITE REPORT – Director Grossman reported that he is awaiting some more documents from Ken Morley.

5.04          GARDENING REPORT

-         Director Pollock reported that our gardener, Susan, is still out, but Jose continues to be doing a good job of filling in for her.

-         She and Rodger Axt are working with the tree service to identify and trim/remove trees that require it.  Pollock asked Axt to be sure to check on the two trees at the entrance that might need to be replaced.

-         Pollock also reported she will continue to research the best way to replace rotting wooden planters.  Axt will give her the name of a vendor that will be able to replace them with concrete or rock.


–        President Rugar reported that a few street lights are out and will be replaced shortly.

–        He further reported that an inspection of the irrigation lines by Unit #3 revealed that when the gate by Unit #3 was installed the line had been punctured and the hole filled with cement.  He will talk with the owners and report whatever action is required.


5.06          LAKE REPORT – no report.

5.07          WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – President Rugar reported there had been no activity, but requested that Axt provide us with a couple of 2’x 4’ boards that can be placed by the storm drain by the outside parking area.


–        Ken Morley reported that the small gate behind Unit 16 has been installed.

–        He further reported that Unit 3 has requested that French doors be installed (and the committee approved it).

5.09          NEWSLETTER ITEMS – Director Pollock reported she has a number of pieces for the quarterly issue so it will probably be out in the next week or so.  Additional information should be forwarded to her ASAP.

5.10          RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT – Direct Lauritsen suggested that the Board needs to be more diligent in enforcing the Rules & Regulations: 

–        Unit 100 continues to park their red truck in guest parking.  (President Rugar has been in touch with the property manager for that unit.  If the infraction is noticed again, it should be reported to him immediately so that a letter can be sent to the unit owner.)

–        Unit 48 continues to leave their trash bins out longer than approved in the Rules & Regulations.  The board requested Chaffers to send them a letter outlining the Rules & Regulations and asking for their compliance.

–        It was pointed out that Connie Shelstad has one dog more than permitted.  Secretary Lee will draft a letter from President Rugar that lets her know that the board approved a variance since she has adopted a dog that was supposed to be just with her temporarily. The letter will put her on notice that she should keep the number of dogs to three in the future.


6.01          2852 Forest Hills Blvd. – Axt will try to contact the neighbor 10/21-22 to discuss fence repair and will bring up the drainage problem.

6.02          Landscape Irrigation Consultation – Director Pollock continues to research.  She will identify the scope of the work needed and will try to get several local vendors to submit bids.

6.03          Annual Audit – Treasurer Grossman is expecting three bids from new vendors.

6.04          Lake Committee – Director Lauritsen reported:

–        The silt box was opened and only four inches of silt and water removed.  They discovered silt is coming into the lake from unit downspouts.  They got a new lid built for the box. Some of the silt and debris by the dam was removed.

–        To “manage” the tule reeds behind Unit 16, they need to be sprayed (recommended to be done in February).  Depending on the depth of the water by them, Kasner Exterminators can do the work for $125-425 annually.  Since work can’t be done until February, this item was tabled until the January 2007 meeting.

–        The fountain pipes are going to be measured and restored to their original size and type.  Motion by Betty Lauritsen, seconded by Glen Grossman to pursue changing fountain heads to the original. Motion carried.

–        The committee would like to remove the dam prior to the rainy season and replace the fountain heads at the same time.  Motion by Candy Pollock, seconded by Glen Grossman to accept the committee’s proposal. Motion carried.  The committee will advise the board of the cost and it will be paid out of the contingency fund.

–        The committee will work with the gardeners to get the lake bank planted (a little at a time) to keep dirt on the bank from falling into the lake.  Director Lauritsen will provide a budget at the next meeting and will identify areas that need to be planted in order of priority.

6.05          Utilities/Water – No report.

6.06          Seal Coat on Glen Lake Drive – President Rugar reported repairs have been done to the street.  He recommended we hire Granite Construction to do two coats at the cost of about $9,000.  Motion by Stephanie Lee, seconded by Betty Lauritsen to hire Granite Construction to put down two coats of Seal Coat on Glen Lake Drive as soon as possible, prior to the rains. Motion carried.  President Rugar will arrange it and will insure appropriate notice is given to residents.  He will also provide a information to Director Pollock about it for inclusion in the newsletter.

6.07          ECHO Seminar 9/23/06 – No report since no one attended.

6.08          Gate Sign Regarding Limit on Length of Vehicles Entering the Glen – President Rugar thanked Axt for getting the sign made and reported it had already been ignored.  After discussion, it was determined residents can not be penalized for the actions of their vendors.

6.09          Rusting Lamp Fixtures – Axt reported there are a few that are rusting.  President Rugar will review.  No action recommended at this time.

6.10          French Doors – Axt will provide prices of replacement French Doors to the board.

7.0        NEW BUSINESS –

7.01          Monterey County Bank Resolution - Motion by Glen Grossman, seconded by Betty Lauritsen that the corporate banking resolution with Monterey County Bank for Account 107067 be approved. Motion carried.

7.02          Fire Hydrant Flow Test – President Rugar reported the PG FD has never tested the fire hydrants in The Glen.  Prior to testing, they require a letter holding them harmless for any damage to the hydrants they incur during the test, then they will put The Glen on their regular schedule. Motion by Betty Lauritsen, seconded by Glen Grossman to send a letter to the PGFD holding them harmless for any damage that might be done to our fire hydrants during their inspection. Motion passed.  President Rugar will find out if the hydrants need to be serviced at the same time and if they can be painted.

7.03          Elections – The Election Inspector, Ken Morley, reported he had received two nominations for the board.  He hopes that he will receive more.  The process is proceeding as required.

8.0        CORRESPONDENCE – None.

9.0        FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT – 11/21/06 at 6:00 p.m. at the Forest Grove HOA Clubhouse, Forest Lodge Road, Pacific Grove, CA. 

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


Stephanie Lee, Secretary