April 19, 2005
71 Glen Lake Drive, Pacific Grove, CA


1.0       CALL TO ORDER    6:00 PM                                                                      


President Diana Busman                      Present           
Vice-President Jack Rutherford           Present           
Treasurer Jim Ray                                  Present
Secretary Glen Grossman                     Present
At-large Director Jack Rugar                Absent     

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers - Present    

Members present – Wolfgang Haas (#11), Roger Axt (#13), Connie Shelstad (#19), Carol Rutherford (#36), Rick Busman (#71), Faye & Ken Morley (#86), and Candy Pollock (#110).

3.0   AGENDA REVIEW / RESIDENT REQUESTS – Connie says the black railings in front of units 14, 15, and 19 all need painting. Candy notes historically, the Board maintains the railings in the front of units while the unit owner maintains the railings in the back of units. Board authorizes Jack Rutherford to have the railings in front of the three units painted.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Motion by Busman, seconded by Rutherford, to accept Minutes from 3/15/05. Motion carries.



       5.02   WELCOMING REPORT – Carol Rutherford advises Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCoy are new renters in #74.

       5.03   WEBSITE REPORT – Secretary Grossman advises no report. Some board members would like a background color other than mustard. Committee will work on it. 

       5.04   GARDENING REPORT – Rodger Axt submitted a written report. Sharon Axt is resigning from the Gardening Committee effective September 2005. A revised contract was faxed to Susan MacDougal. They are meeting with Susan to do a walk-through of the common areas on 4/20.

       5.05   RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT – Grossman reports unit #36 has a white pick-up truck regularly parked in Guest Parking.

       5.07   MAINTENANCE REPORT – Vice-President Rutherford advises he has been spending money out of his pocket on maintenance items and then collecting reimbursement from The Glen. For the June Board meeting, Jim Ray to research and recommend whether the Association should obtain a credit card or a debit card and what limit the card should have. 

       5.08   LAKE REPORT – Vice-President Rutherford reported he lowered the lake to add blue coloring.

       5.09   WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – Vice-President Rutherford reports no raccoons trapped and we are only using one trap now.

       5.10   ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT – Ken Morley reports that (i) #65 purchased a new garage door, (ii) #3 requests a fence between the street fence and the unit to prevent people from walking alongside their unit, and (iii) the committee sees little difference between "Almond" and "Navajo White" and that the Rules and Regs should be changed to state that all new metal garage doors be almond white. Motion by Busman, seconded by Ray, to amend that part of Rule J which reads "It is intended that the color of the new door match any adjacent door" to read "It is intended that all new metal garage doors be almond colored." Motion passes.

       5.11   AD HOC COMMITTEES –

                        a.   Document Revision – no report.

                        b.   Finance Review – Rick Busman reports the committee is proposing an increase in the Operating Budget from $185 to $201 (9%) and an increase in the Reserve Account from $109 to $114 for a total increase to $315 from $294. The committee is also recommending a $24 special assessment to pay off the remaining $17,200 owed to the Reserve Account from the Operating Account. Grossman and Diana Busman note a $24 special assessment exceeds the 5% maximum special assessment allowed by Civil Code section 1366(b). Dues can be raised by $58 without triggering a vote of the entire membership so if the committee is recommending paying off the Reserve Account debt in one year, the dues should be increased by an additional $24 for a total increase of $45 over last year. The committee notes the Reserve Account is 45% funded and it recommends an increase of 20% in the Reserve Account portion of the dues for the next two years. Grossman notes that the Association uses interest earned by Reserve Accounts for Operating Expenses. Jim Ray says he spoke with Ray Helsing who suggests the account which earns the interest keeps the interest. Motion by Diana Busman, seconded by Grossman, that the Board adopt a policy whereby interest earned on Reserve funds is applied to the Reserve balance. Motion passes. Grossman notes only $100 per month has been budgeted for legal services and that is awfully low. Diana Busman notes prior to adopting a budget, the board needs bids for management, landscaping, and insurance. Joseph will call Jeff Kane to get quotes for earthquake, casualty, and workers' compensation, Rodger will get bids for landscaping, and Jim Ray will get bids for managing and for accounting.

       5.12   NEWSLETTER ITEMS:                     


        6.01   TV Bulk Rates – deferred.

        6.02   Painting – President Busman reports Ekim wants $2500 to paint the posts. Director Rugar suggests pay Ekim everything except the retainer and then have Dennis do a walk-through. Dennis noted that some of the wood above the doors and bay windows has never been painted.

        6.03   Guest Parking Rules – Ken Morley suggested amending Rule D.1. to allow limited use of guest parking by residents and amending Rule D.4. to allow parking in driveways so long as there was no encroachment on common areas. Motion by Grossman, seconded by Busman, to amend Rule D as follows:

"There are only 15 Guest Parking spaces for 60 units in the Glen. Therefore:

1.         “Guest Parking” is primarily for use of visitors.  Homeowners and their tenants or lessees (residents) are not to use “Guest Parking” on a regular basis. Guest Parking may be used by residents only for very short-term parking.   Residents are to use their assigned garages  for overnight parking or park their vehicles outside the gate. See section “K. FINES” below for schedule of fines. On the third violation for parking in “Guest Parking”, the Association may have the vehicle towed without notice.

2.         Residents must request a parking permit from a board member for any visitor parking in “Guest Parking” more than seven (7) days or for resident use of Guest Parking for more than half a day.

4.        If a vehicle is parked in a driveway, the vehicle must be parked so that it does not extend beyond the driveway onto Glen Lake Drive."

            Motion passes unanimously.

        6.04  Reserve Study – Treasurer Ray reports Barrera will start preparing the Reserve Study at the end of May.

        6.05  Property Services Conract – President Busman reports she is waiting for the contract to be signed by Susan and returned to her.

        6.06  Meeting with Jeff Kane, KBK Insurance – President Busman advises she is still looking for a location where Jeff Kane can address the membership.

        6.07  Garage Sale – Candy Pollock reports only two residents have expressed interest and the date will be either 5/21 or 5/28.


        7.01  #58's Patio Doors – Vice-President Rutherford advises Dennis Sullivan examined the doors, one door the Association had previously replaced, the other is rotting from the outside. Motion by Rutherford, seconded by Ray, that the board offer to pay #58 $400 in exchange for #58 obtaining ACC approval to replace the patio doors at their expense and hold the Association harmless from any further damage. Motion passes.

        7.02  Bank Resolutions – deferred.

        7.03  Earthquake Insurance – deferred.

        7.04  Location of Future Board Meetings – deferred.

        7.05  Landlord Compliance with Rule C.2. (requiring names and phone numbers of tenants to be provided to the Board) - Joseph Chaffers reports he obtained a form from Beverly Goldberg and will send it out to all landlords.

        7.06  New Gardening Committee Chair - deferred

8.0   CORRESPONDENCE – letter from Nancy Evans authorizing Augie Louie to conduct her business affairs with the Association.

9.0   FUTURE BOARD MEETING/ADJOURNMENT – 6/21/05 at 6:00 p.m. at 71 Glen Lake Drive.

This page last modified on 06/13/2006.