April 20, 2004
Shoreline Office Building
1200 Piedmont Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA


1.0       CALL TO ORDER    4:45 PM                                                                      

2.0       ROLL CALL

Candy Pollock              Director            Present
Jack Rutherford            Director            Present
Jim Ray                        Director            Present
Jack Rugar                   Director            Present
Glen Grossman             Director            Present 

Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers -        Absent

Members present – Wolfgang Haas (#11), Roger Axt (#13), Jessalee LaPatra (#17), Connie Shelsted (#19), Carol Rutherford (#36), Diane Hardcastle (#65), Rick Busman (#71), Faye and Ken Morley (#86), Greta Harpham (#96), and Stephanie Lee (#104).

3.0   AGENDA REVIEW / RESIDENT REQUESTS – Chuck and Mary Dowell (#92) want the front gate phone system to reflect their name. Ray will follow up on this item.

4.0   APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Minutes from March 16, 2004 (with amendments) approved.


       5.01   FINANCIAL REPORTS – Ray reports our financial statements clearly depict what the association has been spending. Reserve items are still being paid from the Operating Account. We are now auto-paying certain recurring items (e.g., water, PG&E).

       5.02   WELCOMING REPORT – Carol Rutherford advises someone has moved into #7. Pollock advises his name is John Kiley.

       5.03   WEBSITE REPORT – Grossman is still working on how to develop a secure location on the website for board members only.

       5.04   GARDENING REPORT – Carol Rutherford advises there is no report. Pollock advises the gardeners adding river rock and removing old stuff. Topes Tree Service removed two dead trees yesterday and some small trees between the lake and #90. Will try to get to rear of #13 on Wednesday.

       5.05   EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS REPORT – Stephanie Lee advises there is no report.

       5.06   RULE COMPLIANCE REPORT – Pollock advises compliance with parking rules has greatly increased on the left side of the complex (#74-110) but there is still one vehicle with parking problems. Stephanie Lee advises the vehicle with Nevada license plates belongs to Bindel’s mother-in-law.

       5.07   MAINTENANCE REPORT – Rutherford advises there is no report.

       5.08   LAKE REPORT – Rutherford advises Craig Woolley will paint the tennis court.

       5.09   WILDLIFE CONTROL REPORT – Rugar advises two raccoons caught.

       5.10   ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REPORT – Ken Morley’s report deferred to the next Board meeting.

       5.11   AD HOC COMMITTEES – all ad hoc committee reports deferred to the next Board meeting.

                 a.   Document Revision –

                 b.   Finance Review –

                 c.   Election Committee -



        6.01   TV Bulk Rates – Pollock advises Comcast does require 100% participation in order to provide bulk rates. She is now investigating DISH Network. They can supply one dish per building (not per unit) which decreases the damage to the roof by everyone installing their own dish.

        6.02   Speed Bumps – Morley advises two bids were submitted for installing speed bumps across from #21, #46, and 94. One bid was for plastic bumps 2 inches high and 24 inches wide.  The other bid was from Granite Construction for an asphalt bump 3 inches high and 36 inches wide at a cost of $1898. The bid for asphalt was less expensive than the bid for plastic. We will have to paint the stripes. Motion by Grossman, seconded by Rugar, to approve the bid from Granite for three asphalt speed bumps for $1898 to be paid from the Reserve Account (it is a one-time expenditure on a reserve item). Motion passes. 

        6.03   Painting – extended discussion re painting preparation (pressure washing, cleaning and painting chimneys, caulking, and cleaning the siding). If we hire our own workers and Dennis Sullivan supervises, Rutherford estimates $10,000 total and we know it will be done properly. If the painting contractors do the prep work, they may do the same quality job that Saleh Painting Company did and we will have to have it redone. Ray to find out what sort of discount the painting companies will give us if we do the painting preparation work.


       7.01 Neighborhood Watch  – Axt reports the street light near the entrance is not fixed and Phoebe Woolley had called the Pacific Grove Recreation Department about it. Pollock advises she called the Pacific Grove Police Department on the large white truck that is parked outside the gate and blocks the view of drivers exiting The Glen.


9.0   FUTURE BOARD MEETING / ADJOURNMENT – May 4, 2004 at 4:45 p.m. at Shoreline.