November 19, 2002
9 Glen Lake Drive

Pacific Grove
, CA


1.0       CALL TO ORDER    5:00 PM                                                                     

2.0       ROLL CALL

Candy Pollock              Director            Present
Jack Rutherford            Director            Present
Jim Ray                         Director            Present
Jack Rugar                   Director            Absent
Glen Grossman            Director            Present

            Managing Agent Joseph Chaffers -        Absent

Members Present: Wolfgang Haas, Bob Stevens, and Roger Axt


4.0       APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE 11/1/02 BOARD MEETING: Adopted by unanimous consent.

5.0       REPORTS

            5.01     DELINQUENCY REPORTS:  accepted as reported.

5.02          FINANCIAL REPORTS: accepted as reported.  Jim Ray reports he is working with Chaffers to re-allocate Reserves but is not receiving non-standard invoices. Pollock, Rutherford, and Ray to meet with Chaffers to resolve issues.

5.03          BANK STATEMENTS: accepted as reported.

            5.04     MCC BILLING REPORT: accepted as reported.

5.05          WELCOMING COMMITTEE:  no report. Pollock advises Edith Davis is aware the Axts bought #13 and the Morleys purchased #86.

5.06          GARDENING COMMITTEE:  written report submitted and accepted. Invoices should come to Rutherford who will turn them into Ray. Pollock reports #58 does not want her hedges trimmed because it diminishes her privacy. Pollock will address her concerns. Gardeners want #58’s dogs kept inside on Wednesdays. Pollock will advise #58.

5.07          LAKE:  Rutherford reports the ducks ate the plants planted to act as a filtration system. Rutherford will re-plant and cover with netting. The pump that works is sounding old. Rutherford will have the broken pump fixed.

5.08     RULE COMPLIANCE:  President Pollock reports one parking permit issued to #12. Rutherford to purchase 4 red cones for service vehicles which must park on Glen Lake Drive.


5.10          MAINTENANCE:  Rutherford reports section one work will be completed tomorrow and he has two bids to build a box for the pump house.  Rutherford reports he hired one of the roofers (Jose) to sweep the upper gutters this Saturday and has hired one of the gardeners (Jose) to replace PVC pipe on water meters.  Grossman to check with Jeff Kane to see whether we still have a workers compensation policy in force and whether it covers casual labor. Roger Axt (#13) advises there is dry rot above the door of #86.

5.11     EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: Pollock reports 27 units (nearly ˝ of the membership) responded to the questionnaire. Stephanie Lee is compiling the results.

5.12     STAFF REPORT: Pollock reported:

·        the barking dog on Sieda has been quiet but Animal Control has advised her to document any instances of extended barking;

·        the PG Fire Dept tested the lake and advised the lake did not suffer from a sewage spill at DLI;

·        one member has recommended the Association stop trapping raccoons;

·        Glen Heights has been meeting monthly but is looking into meeting quarterly;

·        Good-bye gifts are needed for Virginia Capra and the DeGalfys – perhaps a laminated Curoc tray with a picture of The Glen or the lake signed by Board members and residents.


            DOCUMENT REVISION COMMITTEE: no report

            NEWSLETTER ITEMS: Pollock wants article re free poppy seeds, free showerheads, entry gate to be used for entrance only and exit gate to be used for exiting only; members to examine their water bills to make sure they don’t have a water leak because CALAM told her they are not responsible for leaks in the pipes. Ray says the PVC pipe is the lowest grade available and the wrong type of glue was used. Pollock says one member wants the Glen Gazette to report the progress of major projects, to report when members are ill and need assistance, and to acknowledge special achievements by residents. The second item has privacy implications. 


            6.01     COSMETIC BARRIERS FOR GAS METERS - tabled

            6.02     PERIMETER FENCING - tabled

            6.03     IRON RAILING REPAIRS - tabled

            6.04     OUTSIDE LIGHTS - tabled

            6.05     #38 BROKEN PATIO TILES – The Glen to offer to split the cost of repairs with the member (Pollock to send letter). 

7.0       NEW BUSINESS:

7.01     FORMATION OF RESIDENT LIST – Pollock reports 75% of the 27 members (i.e., 21) who responded to the questionnaire would like a Member list. A release form will be attached to the next Glen Gazette.

7.02     GARAGE DOORS – Pollock reports one member thinks The Glen should pay for new garage doors for all 60 units (and reimburse those who have already installed a new garage door). The estimated cost of $60,000 makes this unfeasible absent a special assessment.

7.03     GARAGE SALE - Pollock reports 88% of the 27 members (i.e., 23.5) who responded to the questionnaire would like a garage sale. Pollock will form her own committee to work on it.

7.04     PAINTING – Ray reports he will solicit painting bids from those painting contractors who provided estimates used in forming the Reserve Analysis. Dry rot beneath the bay windows must be resolved before painting next fall.

7.05     FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS – Grossman requests Board meetings be held at Shoreline Community Church because he is allergic to Pollock’s cat and because holding monthly Board meetings at the President’s house is an imposition. 


8.01     GENERAL

8.02     BOARD – Thank-you letter drafted to Shoreline Community Church thanking them for allowing us to hold our 11/1/02 Annual Meeting there. Chaffers to send $50 check to The Glen. Rutherford to pick it up, enclose with letter, and mail to Shoreline. 


9.01     NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, 1/21/03 at 5:00 p.m. at Shoreline Community Church.

9.02     Motion to adjourn adopted by acclimation.