September 26, 2000
36 Glen Lake Drive
Pacific Grove, CA 


1.0       CALL TO ORDER    5:00 PM                                                             

2.0       ROLL CALL

Jack Rutherford            President          Present

            Candy Pollock              Vice-President  Present

Jack Rugar                   Treasurer          Present

Glen Grossman             Secretary          Present

Virginia Capra              Director            Present

            Joseph Chaffers            Agent               Absent


            Members Present:         Carol Rutherford





            May 23, 2000:            deferred

            June 20, 2000:            deferred

            July 25, 2000:             deferred

            August 22, 2000:        Motion by Grossman, seconded by Rugar, to approve.  Motion passes.           

5.0       REPORTS

            5.01     DELINQUENCY REPORT (8/31/00) - none

            5.02     FINANCIAL REPORT (8/31/00) - none

            5.03     BANK STATEMENTS (8/31/00 - none

            5.04     MCC BILLING REPORT (8/31/00) - none


5.06     GARDENING COMMITTEE: Carol reports some sprinklers aren't working. 


            *  Tenants in #34 are parking in Guest Parking.  Were ticketed last night with warning notices.  General discussion regarding how rigidly should the Rules and Regulations be enforced. Capra reports #71 still lets her dog run without holding onto its leash.  She doesn't see her with any plastic bags to pick up after the dog.  Violation notice will issue.

*  Iron rail fence of #10 has been lying against the side of their garage since July.  Board to send them letter asking for a completion date. 

*  Rutherford requests Rules and Regulations include a provision that landlords are responsible for the conduct of their tenants (e.g., dogs >40 lb., parking in Guest Parking).

*  Pollock distributes "Guest Parking Passes" to each director.  Newsletter to inform Association members to obtain a pass from any director for their guests parking in Guest Parking. 

5.08     ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: none  Vacancy caused by Vince Capra's resignation.  Virginia says he won't rejoin that committee. Rutherford says either Chuck Adams or Bindle may agree to serve.  Motion by Grossman, seconded by Rugar, to appoint Chuck Adams to the Architectural Control Committee and that if Adams declines, then appoint Eldrin Biddle (#12).  Motion passes.


            *  Pollock reports the City of Pacific Grove stripped the outside parking area soon after she called.  Board to issue Thank-you letter to Stacy at City of P.G.

            *  Rutherford reports electrician finished doing what she was doing. 

            *  Rutherford to obtain bids for cleaning street lights.  Board to consider low ground lighting because The Glen is dark at night. 


6.01     PAINTING LAWSUIT:  Rutherford reports depositions, previously scheduled for today through the rest of the week, have been canceled. 

6.02     CPA REPORT:  deferred.  OPEN. 

6.03     EARTHQUAKE INSURANCE:  No one has received a complete copy. Deferred. OPEN 

6.04     REPAIRS:  Rutherford reports all repairs scheduled for this calendar year have been completed.  DROP.   

6.05     CONTRACT UPDATES:  deferred. OPEN. 

6.06     RV PARKING:  deferred. OPEN. 

6.07     LANDSCAPE CONTRACT:  Pollock presented written report regarding scope of work and the 5 bids received.  She recommends keeping Property Services, Inc. for 40 man-hours per week due to cost considerations and familiarity.  She also recommends appointing Pat Claus to the Gardening Committee and requiring monthly written reports from the Gardening Committee regarding work done and to be done. 

Motion by Grossman, seconded by Capra, to retain Property Services, Inc. for $3000 per month for 40 man-hours per week for gardening services.  Motion passes. 

Motion by Grossman, seconded by Capra, to appoint Pat Claus to Gardening Committee. Motion passes.

Motion by Grossman, seconded by Capra, to require monthly written reports from the Gardening Committee. Motion passes. 

7.0       NEW BUSINESS

7.01     Large pine tree behind 34.  #96 wrote to Frank Ono, cc to the Board, stating that she notices the tree leaning and it needs to be inspected.  Board agrees MCC needs to contact Mr. Ono to respond to #96's concerns.  OPEN. 

7.02     #50 wants a grass lawn in the common area in front of their unit.  Deferred pending response from Property Services, Inc. whether it is cheaper or more expensive in the long run to install grass.  OPEN. 

7.03     Sweeping gutters.  Rutherford advises that the gardeners swept the rain gutters last week.  CLOSED. 

7.04     ECHO Seminar 9/30/00 at 8:00 a.m.  Grossman unable to attend. No volunteers.  Motion by Grossman, seconded by Rutherford, to pay expenses for any Association member who wishes to attend the seminar.  Motion passes.

 7.05     Annual Meeting - Capra to get a date from St. Anne's for the last week of October.     

7.06     Reserve Study - Rutherford disagrees with a number of the figures in the Study (we don't have wood fences so we shouldn't be reserving for them).  There is no discussion on how to keep water from penetrating the bay windows.  No one has seen a revised draft from Bob Cox nor a final report.  Rutherford and Rugar will meet to discuss the report in detail and then contact Bob Cox.  OPEN.

 7.07     Rules & Regulations - Grossman advises the ban on roller-skating and skateboarding has been made rule E.6.  Motion by Grossman, seconded by Rutherford, to adopt the Rules and Regulations.  Motion passes.  

7.08     Claim from unit #42 - Grossman advises that he has been advised that there is a leak in a pipe in the wall between unit #42 and unit #40 which creates a smell in his kitchen.  Area between adjoining units is probably not a common area controlled by the Association.  Motion by Rugar, seconded by Capra, to deny the claim.  Motion passes. 


9.01     Next Board meeting will be 10/24/00 at #36 at 5:00 but if the Annual Meeting is set for that day, the Board shall meet on 10/23/00.

9.02     Motion by Rugar at 7:26 p.m., seconded by Grossman, to adjourn.  Motion passes.